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Get to know Baby shoppers with the Category Collection

Get to know Drinks shoppers with the Category Collection

Get to know Health & Body shoppers with the Category Collection

Get to know Pet shoppers with the Category Collection

Get to know Snacks shoppers with the Category Collection

What’s really going on for shoppers when they shop in your category?

That's what we sought to answer with our national customer research series.

The Category Collection is Cartology’s flagship research program designed to go deeper with Woolworths shoppers who shop across key categories including Baby, Drinks, Health & Body, Pet Care and Snacks.

These category insights combined with customer transactional behaviour, powered by Everyday Rewards allows Cartology to take your brand closer to customers.

Discover more about your category shoppers below

We spoke to thousands of Woolworths shoppers across major grocery categories.

We’ve conducted five national surveys via the Woolworths Group Gather Panel, to go deeper with category shoppers across the Baby, Drinks, Health & Body, Pet Care and Snacks categories.

The studies looked at purchase drivers, shopping behaviours, retail media interactions and expectations of brands.

What did category
shoppers tell us?

More and more shoppers are looking to their retailer to make their shopping journey that little bit easier. Whether it be recipe inspiration for an upcoming get together, loyalty driving rewards points or information on a product's ingredients.

We also found, with waning brand loyalty and price sensitivity, shoppers are open to brand switching across all our categories. But it’s all up for grabs in the supermarket with nearly 70% of shoppers engaging with retail media, during their shop.

The supermarket is a playground for education & discovery.

Retail Media is integral to the customer shopping journey.

Brand switching is happening across categories.

shoppers engage with retail media while shopping across categories.

Reach, engage and convert your category shoppers with Cartology.

While category shoppers aren’t all the same, what is clear is the power of retail media to reach, engage and convert your shoppers with Cartology.

Book in your category shopper deep dive today!

Get in touch with the Cartology team to book in your Category Collection deep dive.

Click below to send us an email at

to learn more!

Source: Woolworths Gather Panel, Cartology, Category Collection customer research series (Baby, Drinks, Health & Body, Pet Care and Snacks), 2023